Bioinitiative Report: a scientists’ warning

The Bioinitiative Report has been updated over the years 2014-2019. See the updated research summaries below. This report has been written by 14 (fourteen) scientists, public health and public policy experts to document the scientific evidence on electromagnetic fields. Another dozen outside reviewers have looked at and refined the Report. The purpose of this report is to assess scientific evidence on health impacts from electromagnetic radiation below current public exposure limits and evaluate what changes in these limits are warranted now to reduce possible public health risks in the future. Not everything is known yet about this subject; but what is clear...

Canadian Parliament recalls Health Canada on Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation

The Standing Committee on Health of the House of Commons in the Canadian Parliament issued a report on radio frequency electromagnetic radiation and health in June, 2015. The Committee held public hearings regarding Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 recommended limits on safe human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation. Witnesses testified to the Committee or submitted briefs that raised concerns about the adequacy of Safety Code 6 to protect the population from health risks due to RF radiation. Concerns were raised that the Royal Society of Canada's review of Safety Code 6 for Health Canada was biased. That the review excluded 140 key...