Lloyd’s insurance company does not cover health damage caused by electromagnetic radiation

The Lloyd’s of London and its underwriter CFC Underwriting Limited exclude any liability coverage for claims, “directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.” (Exclusion 32, page 7)

We will not
a) make any payment on your behalf for any claim, or
b) incur any costs and expenses, or
c) reimburse you for any loss, damage, legal expenses, fees or costs sustained by you, or
d) pay any medical expenses:


32. Electromagnetic fields
directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.

See the full PDF document: INSURANCE FOR ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS – ProSurance TM A&E Policy Document – Lloyd’s 2015

Another of the world’s largest insurance companies, Swiss Re, has recommended to other insurance companies to write in exclusion clauses against paying compensation for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure. The recent Austrian insurance company AUVA report confirms DNA-breaks caused by non-ionising radiation.

Source: Beyond Radiation blog by Mikko Ahonen, PhD

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