Electromagnetic radiation – Health risks of wireless equipment in the 5G era (full lecture transcript)

Expert 5G Meeting Provincial Council of Friesland 11 March 2020

[00:00:00] Hello, my name is Jan-Rutger Schrader. I am an electrical engineer. I was working in the research lab in the south of the country on the latest generation of cell phones. Whilst there it became clear to me that wireless technology was having a noticeable effect on my health and I felt I could no longer work in the wireless industry. I am a member of the Dutch Association of Measurement Specialists in Electromagnetic Radiation (VEMES). We offer EMF measurements to people who have complaints at home or in the...

Insurer Swiss Re: electromagnetic radiation highest risk category

One of the largest insurance companies of the world Swiss Reinsurance Company (Swiss Re) classifies electromagnetic radiation into the highest risk class. This category also includes endocrine disrupting chemicals. The text on p. 11 of the report: Anxiety over the potential risks related to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has risen. Studies are difficult to conduct, since time trend studies are inconsistent due to the still rather recent proliferation of wireless technology. The WHO has classified extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, such as radition emitted by cell phones, as

Major Austrian insurer AUVA finds effects of cell phones on DNA, EEG and human proteins

Update Juli 2024: Athem 3 rapport: "Cell tower radiation linked to genetic changes in nearby residents" (Article Microwave News) Update August 2016: AUVA Athem 2 report: "DNA damage from cell phones proven" (Article Diagnose Funk) On behalf of the major Austrian insurance company AUVA with over 4.3 million policyholders, research was carried out into the health effects of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones at levels well below current exposure limits, which only protect against warming. In the studies on healthy volunteers, the effects of the fields of...

Lloyd’s insurance company does not cover health damage caused by electromagnetic radiation

The Lloyd's of London and its underwriter CFC Underwriting Limited exclude any liability coverage for claims, “directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.” (Exclusion 32, page 7) EXCLUSIONS We will not a) make any payment on your behalf for any claim, or b) incur any costs and expenses, or c) reimburse you for any loss, damage, legal expenses, fees or costs sustained by you, or d) pay any medical expenses: GENERAL INSURANCE EXCLUSIONS: 32. Electromagnetic fields directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves...